Flatter Files has been updated to integrate with SOLIDWORKS PDM Standard. PDM Standard is the replacement for SOLIDWORKS Workgroup PDM moving forward. Each seat of SOLIDWORKS Professional and Premium includes a seat of PDM Standard. PDM Standard is a limited version of SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional (formerly EPDM). Thus, it is built on the same technology as PDM Professional and functions in much the same way with the exception of a few capabilities.
One of the more significant limitations is that PDM Standard blocks access to the API, Tasks, and the ability to run Add-Ins. In addition, it does not have built in support for auto generating PDFs. Thus, Flatter Files is the only commercially available method for auto generating PDFs and making the PDFs easily accessible to your viewers.
It has been roughly three years since we first added integration with PDM Professional (EPDM). Since then we have found that the combination of PDM and Flatter Files creates the ultimate digital workflow for companies. As new revisions are added to your PDM vault, Flatter Files automatically processes the new revisions, creates a PDF, optionally creates any generic CAD format (STEP, DXF, etc…) and uploads it along with the item’s property data to the Flatter Files cloud. The latest revision along with previous revisions are then easily accessible within the Flatter Files web application and mobile applications. In addition, any external suppliers that have access to the updated items are notified via email such that they always have access to the latest revisions for the items they need.
The result of integrating Flatter Files with your PDM system is a much more efficient workflow for distributing your drawings to your internal viewers and external suppliers. In addition, the integration results in unlimited Viewers, ability to mark up drawings, Assembly Views and much more.
A step by step tutorial has been created for integrating Flatter Files with PDM Standard. In addition, if you have any questions or need help getting started please do not hesitate to contact us at info@flatterfiles.com.