Flatter Files now includes the ability to create Smart Libraries.  Smart Libraries contain all of the Drawings and Assembly Views within your account that match a specified search query.  For example, if you want a library that displays all of the currently checked out items in your account, you can simply create a Smart Library for this search and the library will always be shown such that you can easily view all of the items currently checked out.  Just like other custom libraries, you can control who within your account has access to this Smart Library.

With this latest update, when you create a new library you are shown the additional Smart Library options.  To create the Smart Library, you simply enter the library name, check the Smart Library option, and then enter the desired query.

To create a Smart Library that will display all of the checked out items for your account you would do the following:

  • Enter the library name.
  • Select the Smart Library option.
  • Enter the query "checkedout:yes" into the field.
  • Click Submit.

The image below shows the inputs to create the Smart Library for checked out items.

The library has now been created and the image below shows the result.  As you can see, the Smart Libraries appears just like other libraries except that the count for the number of items does not exist since this number can continually change.

This new Smart Library can still be renamed or deleted just like regular libraries by right clicking on the library and then selecting the desired option.  In addition to the standard options, the Smart Library query that is used to generate the content in the library can be edited and the result in the library can manually be refreshed.  These right click options for the Smart Library are shown below.

Smart Libraries are a powerful way to quickly provide access to specific search results.  These Smart Libraries appear just like regular Libraries and are accessible within the web application as well as on the mobile viewing applications for both Android and iOS.  Access to the Smart Libraries can be controlled just like regular libraries.  If you have any questions regarding Smart Libraries or other features of Flatter Files please do not hesitate to contact us at support@flatterfiles.com.