Autodesk Exchange Apps Store

Flatter Files is now in the Autodesk Exchange Apps Store.  By downloading from the store, a button is created in both AutoCAD and Inventor that will launch the Flatter Files Uploader application.  This button simply works just like a desktop shortcut to the Uploader application except it is built directly into AutoCAD and Inventor for quick and easy access.  In addition, if you click this button and the Uploader application is not installed on the computer, then the Uploader application will automatically be downloaded and you will be prompted to install it.

To download from the Autodesk Exchange Apps Store please click the appropriate link below.  If you use both AutoCAD and Inventor you must install it for each independently.



Once the AutoCAD version is installed, you will find the new button located in the Plug-ins tab.  To launch the application simply click the button or type the command FLATTERFILES.

Once the Inventor version is installed, you will find the new button located in the Tools tab.

Installing this button through Autodesk is not required to use Flatter Files if you are using AutoCAD or Inventor.  Instead it provides another way to access the Flatter Files Uploader Application directly from the CAD application.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Uploader Video

This video shows the operation of the Flatter Files Uploader application.  The video shows how to configure and perform your first upload, check in all of the uploaded items, and edit and update a single item.

Uploader Update

The Flatter Files Uploader application has been updated to include a few new ways to simplify revision control and save you time.  The new menu includes three new items as shown below.

The first new item is "Check In All."  By simply clicking this and then selecting a reviewer all of your currently checked out items will be submitted for review.  In addition, this will automatically perform a complete upload such that all of the latest files are uploaded.  This is very convenient when you are working on large projects where you are simultaneously editing multiple items.

The second new item is "Check Out Open Files."  Whenever you start editing a drawing or document, the first thing you should do is check the item out.  This is a way to notify anyone that might view the item that it is currently being modified.  After you open the files you plan to edit, simply click "Check Out Open Files" and all of the appropriate files will be checked out.

The last item added is a listing of all of your unread notifications.  This is a simple way for you to view and quickly respond to any notifications.  This includes being able to accept or reject a revision directly from within the Uploader application.

These three items, make it even easier to upload your content and keep it up to date such that everyone in your organization always has access to the latest drawings and documents.

New Feature: 3D View

If you are uploading Inventor or SolidWorks files to Flatter Files you can now view the 3D models.  When a revision is created of a drawing, the current model is also archived and is now available for viewing from within both the web application and the iPhone/iPad application.  This new functionality will provide you with the ability to immediately view the 3D model for reference purposes whenever needed without any special software installed.  Thus, everyone in your organization now not only has access to all of your important drawings and documents but they can also view the 3D models.

To view the 3D model in the web application simply right click and select View 3D.

If the drawing contains multiple revisions, a dialog will appear such that you can select the revision that you would like to view.

Once the revision is selected.  A view of the model will appear.  It is displayed within an application window such that you can move the window around.  In addition, you are able to view multiple models at once by simply right clicking on another drawing and selecting View 3D.

To view the 3D model in the iPhone/iPad application simply tap 3D when viewing a drawing.

The model will then be displayed using the full screen.  Viewing the model is an excellent experience.  Use one finger to rotate the model.  Two finger pinch gestures zoom the model in and out and two finger movements pan the model.

When using the iPad application, you can view the library and or drawing properties while you view the 3D model by simply tapping the library button at the top left.

To view previous versions of the model on the iPad or iPhone, simply click the back arrow directly below the view.  If multiple revisions exist then the previous revision will be displayed.

Live Demo

Interested in Flatter Files but would like to know more?  Need help implementing Flatter Files?  You can now sign up for a free one on one live demo of Flatter Files.  Simply visit this link and enter your contact information.  Once you submit your info you will be contacted regarding the details of setting up the live demo.

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